
Current Kinetics: Fluid Movement for Life

Water is the essence of life as we know it. Our bodies are comprised of awe inspiring water-based fluid systems that nourish, cleanse, communicate, and move us through life. The simple firing of a muscle fiber, or control of that muscle cell via the nervous system, is wholly dependent on our fluid systems. It has been shown that water can hold emotions. For some, nothing is more calming and soul nourishing than gazing at the ocean and hearing its beautiful orchestra of sound. Ocean currents regulate and stabilize the climate while carrying nutrients and oxygen that nurture life on earth.  

Current Kinetics was founded by Elizabeth Devera, in 2021, as an online-based movement assessment and consultation practice. In session, DeVera focuses on her clients arthrokinematics (movement of the joints of the body) as they apply to orthopedics. Although her work is primarily movement-science based, she also focuses on the emotional aspects of movement restriction and pain cycles through breath and imagery exercises. Current Kinetics has now grown to offer in-person sessions which include orthopedic massage and movement therapy. 

Learn more about our services here. . .

Elizabeth DeVera

“I am a passionate kinesiologist on a mission to help people move and feel better”

Elizabeth DeVera has been a professional dancer and movement educator for more than 25 years. She focuses on optimizing movement patterns in order to alleviate pain and increase biomechanical efficiency with various healing modalities including Orthopedic Pilates, GYROTONIC®, and Hendrickson Method Orthopedic Massage.  Elizabeth has a Bachelor’s of Science in Kinesiology from San Jose State University, and is a perpetual student who continues to deepen her knowledge of exercise physiology, biomechanics, and neuroanatomy in order to help her clients reach their goals efficiently and effectively. DeVera founded her first movement education center, Lotus Studio, in 2004. In her practice, she was honored to work with incredible clients and mentor future Orthopedic Pilates Practitioners, movement educators, and orthopedic manual therapists.

After moving to the California coast to raise her family and fulfill a lifelong dream of living near the ocean, DeVera closed Lotus Studio. “I was ready for it to be reborn into something through the water—just as the lotus flower rises through the water to its fully open and awakened form.” Pulling from her years of study in kinesiology and experience working with the body, Current Kinetics was born.

View Elizabeth’s Bio here. . .

Orthopedic Pilates Teacher Training

DeVera has always valued education. In order to consolidate and integrate her myriad certifications, her degree in Kinesiology, and her years of practice at Lotus Studio, she created the Orthopedic Pilates Teacher Training (OPTT) Program. She wanted to mentor dedicated students in order to continue the work that she started. The OPTT program was taught through Lotus Studio for many years, and successfully trained intuitive and talented Orthopedic Pilates practitioners who serve clients throughout the West Coast. Contact us to get on a waitlist for future trainings or to bring our training to your studio.